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Current Projects

Marshall Islands.jpg
Image by Kurt Cotoaga

Psychological adaptation to climate change in the Pacific

People living in the Pacific island countries face risks from deteriorating environmental conditions, extreme weather, and climate change. This British Academy/GCRF-funded project investigates how young people in Fiji and the Solomon Islands are coping with, and psychologically adapting, to climate change risks. View the project page here.

Lagos Nigeria

Climate action and mental models of climate risk in Africa

The MECCA project (targeting MEntal models of Climate change risk to facilitate Climate Action) investigates the gaps between public perceptions and scientific projections of changing climatic conditions in Lagos and Lake Victoria. See project page here.

Climate Change Banners

Climate justice perspectives around the world

Climate justice has become the rallying call of climate activists around the world but it is unclear how the term is understood among the general public. This project examines public awareness of climate justice in 11 countries (Australia, Brazil, Germany, India, Japan, Netherlands, Nigeria, Philippines, UAE, UK & USA) and how beliefs about climate justice relate to climate action and policy support. Learn more about our findings here.

Image by Eelco Böhtlingk

Health and wellbeing in Nottingham during the 2022 heatwave

The UK witnessed record-breaking heat in summer 2022 with temperatures rising up to 40C in parts of the country. This project investigates the effects of the 2022 heatwave on the health and wellbeing of people living in Nottingham. Our focus is on determining how people's experiences of heatwave impacts are shaped by socio-economic inequalities and drawing insights from this to inform the development of socially just climate policies. The project is being conducted in partnership with Nottingham City Council. Read the project report here.

Image by Pawel Czerwinski
Plastic Polluted Ocean

Beyond plastic: UK public perceptions of anthropogenic litter in freshwater environments

Mismanaged plastic waste is a ubiquitous pollutant that has attracted growing public attention and action in recent years. However, non-plastic anthropgenic pollutants are just as common in the environment and the eco-toxicological impacts of these materials are much less understood. This project examines public understanding of the diversity of anthropogenic litter in freshwater environments. It also aims to identify opportunities for leveraging concern about plastic to galvanise broader action on anthropogenic pollution. The project is a brain-child of Dr Tom Stanton.

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